With such a wide selection to choose from in our stores finding the right products for your baby's skin is something that requires a bit of research. You could take the simple decision and use the most popular brands like Johnson's; I decided not too as I wanted the products I use to be as natural as possible.
I started by looking for products that have as little ingredient's as possible and no long words that I couldn't pronounce. I'm still trialing but this is what I've come up with so far.
1. Burt's Bees Baby Bee Shampoo and wash
I imagine this is what a new born bumble bee smells like, this product smells delicious and creates a good amount of bubbles for baby to play in. It is my fave product and I buy it in bulk from amazon. I've previously used the oil myself but I'm yet to try it on my son. I have purchased some and will post a review after 2 weeks of usage http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001E6TXCU/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?ie=UTF8&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE.
2. The Body Shop Buriti Baby Bamboo Hair Brush
I'm not in the habit of messing with my baby's hair. Our routine is wash with Burt's Bees, pat dry, Olive Oil and go. I seldom brush his hair in the early days and he has had a full head of hair since birth. I got this brush when I have a 40% off code; it is so soft, it's perfect for babies and you can use it from birth.
2. Green Baby Nappy Balm
This was gifted to me by my lovely work colleagues. I've only recently started using it. I've done well so far in avoiding nappy rash but prevention is better than cure so I put this on my lil man's botty after a bath. It says that you can use it after every nappy change, but it smells a bit too strong for my liking and I've never been a big fan of Lavender; I've just learned to appreciate it with age.
3. Dr Bronners Organic Aloe Vera Baby-Mild Cast Liquid Soap
I'd never heard of this brand before, but I am impressed with Dr Bronners and its 18 suggested uses (haven't discovered what they all are yet!). It's not a cheap product but I was drawn to it because it only have 5 items listed as ingredients. It doesn't smell as nice as Burt's Bees and it is a little drying however it does the job and there are a load of interesting facts to read on the bottle. If you decide to go for this it's more cost effective to buy the larger bottle. Also I discovered that American Apparel stock this range (Westfield, West London).
4. Geranium & Vanilla Baby Lotion
Gifted again, although I have lot's of other Green Baby stuff, I'm drawn to the range because its Organic and fair trade, I'm not a big fan of this product. It smells ok, but it doesn't soak in the way I feel it ought to and again a more expensive product that the more common brands.
5. Vaseline
The offical staple in every baby bag. I don't use this on baby's skin to moisturiser, it's a barrier so I use it to seal cuts and to moisten his little bum (sorry TMI!).