Tuesday, 24 April 2012

I'm on a hair mission

Ever since I uncovered (not discovered) a book called The Science of black hair I have been on a hair mission. The goal of this mission is to return my hair to BSL or Bra Strap Length in a healthy state.

If you have looked at the quest to healthy hair (also part of the mission) then you will have seen the length of my hair when flat ironed. Well I had to chop off about 2 inches of damaged ends and I am continuing to do so.

Three weeks ago I embarked on this new regime with my new found knowledge and have been treating my hair better ever since, with a weekly deep condition and daily moisturising and sealing. In my normal style I've also gone way over board and purchased about 30 hair products. My favourite line is called CURLS, I'm loving the whipped cream and cleansing cream. Best of all it's high quality ingredient with no sulphates, parabens, mineral oil or lanolin; all of which are cheap product fillers or preservatives.

I am also taking homeopathic remedy to help with my hair falling, kali sulphur and silica. Vitamins, MsM, biotin and sometimes a vit B. It's too soon for mr to confirm that they are working for me.

However, what I can say is that I have had some growth over the last 3 weeks. As you can see from the picture my curly hair is growing out, you can see the texture difference between my natural curl and chemically straightened hair.

My biggest issue is hair breakage.

I hope to report weekly on my hair journey and it's progress.

Pic are of a few new hair products, my current hair length in two strand twists, I'm collar bone length and my hair growth over the past 3 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. loving the look of your hair jen. glad you are taking the natural path.

